How to De-sensitise Your Dog to Firework Sounds
With fireworks season upon us, noise sensitive dogs may be increasingly anxious. If your dog is scared of loud noises, it's important to help them overcome their fear. One effective way to do this is by desensitizing them to firework sounds. Here's how you can help your dog feel more comfortable during fireworks displays:
1. Start Early
Begin the desensitization process well before any fireworks events. This will give you enough time to gradually introduce the sounds to your dog and help them build a positive association.
2. Use Sound Recordings
Find recordings of firework sounds online or use a sound effects app to play them at a low volume. Start with the volume barely audible and gradually increase it over time as your dog becomes more comfortable.
3. Create a Safe Space
Designate a safe area in your home where your dog can retreat to if they feel scared. Make this space cozy and comfortable, with their favorite toys and blankets to help them feel secure.
4. Stay Calm
Dogs can pick up on their owner's emotions, so it's important to stay calm and composed during fireworks displays. Your reassuring presence can help your dog feel more at ease.
5. Use Positive Reinforcement
Reward your dog with treats and praise when they remain calm during the desensitization process. This positive reinforcement will help them associate the firework sounds with something pleasant.
6. Gradually Increase Exposure
Slowly increase the volume and duration of the firework sounds as your dog becomes more comfortable. Be patient and go at your dog's pace to avoid overwhelming them.
7. Use Homeopathy
Consider using homeopathy and natural calmers with the above techniques to help your dog overcome their fear more quickly. Our Fireworks Special Pack contains our 2 favourite products for fireworks fear. The pack includes a course of Noise Remedy homeopathy specifically for noise sensitive dogs. It contains homeopathic borax and phosphorus in a lactose based tablet. Borax and phosphorus are very safe to give your dog when prepared homeopathically. Give one Noise Remedy tablet x 3 daily in the run up to fireworks night and then every other hour during a fireworks display. The Calm Xtra calming drops in the pack can be used on an as needs basis ideally 20 minutes before the noisy event.
By following these steps and being patient with your dog, you can help them feel more at ease during fireworks displays. Remember, every dog is different, so it's important to tailor the desensitization process to your dog's individual needs. With time and effort, you can help your dog feel more comfortable and secure when faced with loud noises like fireworks.