How to use a flea comb
Flea Combing Your Dog
One of the simplest ways to control fleas on your pet is to use a flea comb. Flea combs are a cheap and effective way to check whether your dog or cat has fleas or to ensure that your chosen flea treatment is effective. If you don't have a flea comb, a child's nit comb will also do the job!
Using a flea comb couldn't be simpler. Read on to find out how to get rid of fleas using a flea comb:

How To Use A Flea Comb
1. Grab a flea comb and settle your dog comfortably near to a sink or basin of water.
It's really important to flea comb near to soapy water. The last
thing you want to do is remove a flea from your pet only to see the flea hop off your comb and into your home. By dipping the comb in water, you will drown the flea as soon as it comes off your pet.
2. Gently run the flea comb through your pet in the direction of the
Pay particular attention to the base of the tail, armpits, groin area and ears. These are all flea 'hotspots' however that is not to say that you won't find a flea elsewhere on your pet so feel free to comb all over.
3. Dip the flea comb in water at regular intervals. Watch out for fleas (which are black) and will be trapped between the teeth of the comb.
Make sure that any time you see a flea you submerge the flea comb in water so that the flea can't escape. Flea dirt looks like little black specks and are also an indication that your dog has fleas. If you are unsure whether a speck is flea dirt then put the speck onto a piece of damp tissue or kitchen towel. If you see a reddish/brown mark then you can be sure it is flea dirt. Flea dirt contains the blood that the flea has been consuming.
Check out our range of natural flea treatments for dogs.